Greco-Roman statue of a philosopher, associated with Apollonius of Tyana | Late second-third century CE, currently at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum | Image Source
Cavan Concannon’s response in our Goy Forum: Paul, the Gentiles, and the Other(s) in Jewish Discourse
Concannon: “Would such a shift change the narrative that Ophir and Rosen-Zvi offer for the formation of the binary of Jew and Gentile? I suspect that it might. But there are other ways in which their narrative might be strengthened by dwelling deeper on the messiness of how the other is constructed.”
Dissertation Spotlight: Liane Feldman, “Story and Sacrifice: Ritual, Narrative, and the Priestly Source”
Feldman: “This dissertation introduces a new methodological approach for the analysis of composite biblical narratives, and is among the first studies to take the priestly source, including its ritual materials, seriously as a narrative text. It marks the first time that a sustained narratological analysis has been performed on a source-critically recovered text.”
Articles and News
Candida Moss tackles Apollonius of Tyana and ancient claims to divine sonship.
Brent Nongbri weighs in on orientalist claims that native Egyptians burned their manuscripts.
Association for Jewish Studies annual conference CFP is open.
Open access at Jewish Quarterly Review from Rachel Neis, rethinking the relation between law and Jewish Studies.
The Penn Scribes of the Cairo Geniza project identifying Geniza fragments through crowdsourcing enters its second phase.
A reminder of the Ancient Lives project, a long-running effort to transcribe papyrus fragments.
New translation online of the end of Maximos the Confessor’s letters on forced baptism in Carthage.
Open access year continues with this month’s free five articles at the Journal for the Study of Judaism.
Great piece with photographs at Ajam tackling the history of Ezekiel’s tomb in Iraq.
List of resources, mostly videos and audio, related to Assyriology.
Or 4445 is one of our oldest manuscripts, dating to the early 10th century. But some extra pages were added in the 16th century (left image) in quite a different lettering style to the original C10th pages (right image). Check out the digitised manuscript:
— BL Hebrew Project (@BL_HebrewMSS) 7 March 2019
Coming soon: our Special Issue of JAJ (9/2) on "Reorienting Ancient Judaism: Syrian, Mesopotamian, & Persian Perspectives" w/@jae_heehan, @SethLSanders, Karen Stern, Zsuzsanna Gulacsi, Azzan Yadin-Israel, Yishai Kiel, & @Simcha_Gross
— Dr. Annette Yoshiko Reed (@AnnetteYReed) 6 March 2019
Registration for the 8th North American Syriac Symposium @BrownUniversity is now open! Please keep in mind that registration fee increases on May 20th.
— Jae Han (@jae_heehan) 1 March 2019